Dispatching an object based on its dynamic type

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Level: Novice
Cookbook Type: Recipe
Cookbook Status: Draft
Approximate reading time: 30 min
0.498 hr
D Version: D2

Sometimes you may need to call a function with an object where the function only accepts a certain derived object type. In such a case you need to ensure that the dynamic type of an object is of a specific type before attempting to cast it to that type and passing it over to a function. For example:

class A { }
class B : A { }
class C : A { }

void foo(B b) { }
void foo(C c) { }

void main()
    A b = new B;
    A c = new C;

    foo(b);  // not accepted, object must be casted to either B or C
    foo(c);  // ditto

Since the objects b and c of static type A could be of any dynamic type derived from class A, the user would have to try and cast the objects to know whether they can call foo with such objects. The code to do the dispatching mechanism by hand would typically look like:

import std.stdio;

class A { }
class B : A { }
class C : A { }

void foo(B b) { writeln("called foo(B b);"); }
void foo(C c) { writeln("called foo(C c);"); }

void main()
    A b = new B;
    A c = new C;

    if (auto obj = cast(C)b)
    else if (auto obj = cast(B)b)

    if (auto obj = cast(C)c)
    else if (auto obj = cast(B)b)

However this is both inefficient and hard to type, it introduces copy-pasted code, and is error-prone since adding a new leaf class means the user has to inspect and edit the dispatch code.

An alternative method is to use the classinfo structure (retrieved via typeid()) associated with every instantiated object, and to compare this to all existing classinfo structs. Once we have a match we can safely do a static cast of an object and pass it to a function.

With the help of templates we can automate the entire process. The only information such a template needs is the list of leaf classes so it can construct a tree class to properly dispatch the object. A full implementation is provided here:

import std.stdio;
import std.typetuple;
import std.traits;
import std.string;

template ClassTreeImpl(Leaves...)
    static if (Leaves.length > 1)
        alias TypeTuple!(Leaves[0], BaseClassesTuple!(Leaves[0]),
                         ClassTreeImpl!(Leaves[1..$])) ClassTreeImpl;
    static if (Leaves.length == 1)
        alias TypeTuple!(Leaves[0], BaseClassesTuple!(Leaves[0])) ClassTreeImpl;
        alias TypeTuple!() ClassTreeImpl;

template ClassTree(Leaves...)
    alias DerivedToFront!(NoDuplicates!(ClassTreeImpl!(Leaves))) ClassTree;

template AutoDispatch(Leaves...)
    void AutoDispatch(alias func, Args...)(Args args)
        if (Args.length >= 1 && is(Args[0] == class))
        auto objInfo = typeid(args[0]);
        foreach (Base; ClassTree!Leaves)
            if (objInfo == Base.classinfo)
                static if (__traits(compiles, { // avoid CT errors due to unrolled static foreach
                    return func(cast(Base)(cast(void*)args[0]), args[1..$]); }() ))
                    return func(cast(Base)(cast(void*)args[0]), args[1..$]);

        string[] arguments;
        arguments ~= objInfo.toString();
        foreach (arg; args[1..$])
            arguments ~= typeof(arg).stringof;

        assert(0, format("function '%s' is not callable with types '(%s)'",
                         __traits(identifier, func), arguments.join(", ")));

class A { }
class B : A { }
class C : B { }
class D : B { }

void foo(C c, int x) { writefln("foo(C) : received %s", x); }
void foo(D d, int x, int y) { writefln("foo(D) : received %s %s", x, y); }

void main()
    A c = new C;
    A d = new D;
    A a = new A;

    alias AutoDispatch!(C, D) callFunc;

    callFunc!foo(c, 1);    // ok
    callFunc!foo(d, 2, 3); // ok
    callFunc!foo(a, 3);    // will assert at runtime

AutoDispatch takes a list of leaf classes, and extracts the tree class by using the traits found in std.traits. The inner AutoDispatch function can then be used to dispatch an object and any additional arguments to a function.

The implementation only works for single-object arguments, but a more general solution that dispatches multiple objects is possible to implement.

Note: All code is Boost-licensed and can be used for any purpose.