Beta Testing

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Revision as of 09:26, 21 July 2014 by AndrewEdwards (talk | contribs)
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Click to see Time remaining for beta 4 review

As we prepare for the release of DMD v2.066, I would like to draw attention to the stated Agenda (Agenda#v2.066_.28July_2014.29) of this release. Please use it as a guide throughout the review process. Additionally, resolution of outstanding regressions remains significantly important and warrants full attention during the beta testing phase. In the event your particular change did not make it into this release, do not despair. The release process for 2.067 begins exactly four weeks following the release of 2.066 which provides ample time to address your issue.

DMD v2.066.0-b5

DMD v2.066.0-b4

Outstanding Regressions

Issue Repo Summary Pull Status
6329 Out of range exceptions not thrown in certain cases
11946 "need 'this' to access member" when passing field to template parameter
12242 dmd conflict error with public imports 3388 Pending decision
12453 'ini' directory missing in ZIP release bundles
13062 dmd "member x is not accessible" when passing field to template parameter
13084 druntime
ModuleInfo.opApply delegate expects immutable parameter 886
Pending decision
Pending decision
13158 D:YAML broken by 2.066