Development With D

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Game Development



Title / InfoDescriptionLicensePlatform
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A collection of dynamic D bindings to C libraries, useful for multimedia and game development. Boost Windows, POSIX
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A cross-platform game programming library with up-to-date D bindings. (*The Derelict Project also includes different, but at the time of writing, older/stale bindings.) Custom (BSD-like) Windows, Linux (including Raspberry PI), Mac OSX, iPhone and Android
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Game-oriented math library in style of GLSL builtin types/functions. Vectors, matrices, frustums, etc. MIT Platform-independent
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Game oriented linear algebra, fixed point, memory alloc, containers, bindings, etc. Unlicense (public domain) Windows, POSIX
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High-level OpenGL wrapper for D. MIT Windows, POSIX
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Component-based entity system framework for D. New BSD License Platform-independent
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A port of the Box2D physics library for 2D games. zlib Platform-independent
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A port of the Chipmunk2D physics library for 2D games. MIT Platform-independent
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3D game engine. Boost Windows, POSIX
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3D physics engine (rigid body dynamics) written in D. Boost Platform-independent
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Various game development utilities, including graphics, networking, image processing, OS utilities, etc. MPL, Public Domain Windows, POSIX
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A port of the imgui OpenGL GUI library. zlib Platform-independent
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Esoteric Software Spine runtime binding for D. MIT Platform-independent
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Dynamic bindings to the raylib library. Boost Platform-independent

Web Development


Title / InfoDescriptionLicensePlatform
Hunt is a high-level D Programming Language Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It lets you build high-performance Web applications quickly and easily. Apache 2.0 Windows, FreeBSD, macOS, Linux
Asynchronous I/O and web development framework for D, providing a fiber based blocking programming model with a concise API. Comes with database support for MongoDB and Redis. MIT Windows, POSIX
A full-stack web framework build on-top of vibe.d targeting enterprise development. It's a stable and fully functional framework and requires minimal to no D knowledge to use. MIT Windows, POSIX, Cloud-platforms (Azure, Heroku, AWS)
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Tiny Redis is a Redis driver for D2. It is intentionally minimal, fast, simple and has no dependencies. ISC Windows, POSIX




Title / InfoDescriptionLicensePlatform
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The DScience Project goal is to become an international association of developers of freely available D tools for computational molecular biology. LGPLv3+ Windows/POSIX
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R/qtlHD (or qtlHD) is the next generation implementation of R/qtl. qtlHD is aimed at QTL analysis of high-density, high-throughput data; for example for RNA-seq. BSD Windows/POSIX
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Library for high-performance processing of BAM, SAM, SFF. BioD aims to support more formats in the future. MIT Windows/POSIX