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This DIP describes issues with current usage of various rvalues as a function parameters and proproses possible improvement - formalization of scope references. As a positive side effect, intentions of scope qualifier are better defined into formal restrictions. Minor redefinition of ref in regards to @safe is also proposed.


There is a quite common necessity to pass some data as a function argument without both copying and caring about its referrability. Currently D provides no means to do it properly. ref T can't be used on with rvalue literals. T results in (possibly) costly value copying for aggregate rvalues. auto ref T is template-based and thus bloats at least the symbol table. Solutions is needed that will be simple, provide some guarantees and avoid extra bloat.

void main()
    // Only signature for func1 to accept both is func1(int), which is acceptable for trivial types
    int x;

    // For aggregate types passing by reference may be desired for both performance and avoiding side-effects of non-trivial constructors.
    // func2(ref Aggr) will accept both. This approach won't work for int literal though as it is not adressable
    struct Aggr { }
    Aggr s;

    // Now the question is, how can I say "I want to process this data with no side-effects, won't mutate it and don't care if is adressable"?
    // func3(T)(auto ref T) is current solution but it works by adding extra template instantiation for each two cases. This is both not needed
    // and does not scale with argument count.

Discussion threads:


Core porposal

1) scope ref is similar to ref but may be allowed in @safe code as it is prohibited to escape or store scoped reference, as well as taking its address. It is allowed to accept rvalues. 2) const scope ref (or in ref is like scope ref but prohibits mutation. It imposes usage restrictions (can't modify, can't store reference, can't take address) than make working with them indistinguishable from working with value types. Compiler can abuse it to create temporary variables for trivial type literals and pass references to them instead - it can't possibly change function semantics.


import std.stdio;

struct A {
	int id;

	this(int id) {
		this.id = id;

	this(this) {
		writeln("A Postblit for ", this.id);

// Like a normal ref A, but a bit more restrictive.
void test1(scope ref A a) {
        // static A* global_state = &a; // prohibited, see explanations later

// Almost nothing can be done with parameter, only value-style read access.
void test12(in ref A a) {

// Does not pretend to be @safe any more
void test2(ref A a) {

// Similar to "auto ref" but no extra template instantations. Compiler creates temporaries for rvalues that have no address on caller site.
void test3(T)(in ref T id) {

// Consistent with test1. Only adressable parameters are valid, not temporaries, no extra template instances.
void test32(T)(scope ref T id) {

void main() {
    test1(A(42)); // @safe, this temporary value is valid for mutation and "scope" ensures it does not leak scope
    A a = A(23); // no difference
    test2(A(1337)); // Prohibited, plain "ref" can't accept rvalues
    test2(a); // fine, but not @safe, unless it can be verified that a is allocated on heap in GC memory
    test3(1337); // Fine and @safe. Temporary int variable with value 1337 is created.
    test3(a.id); // Same but no temporary is needed.
    test32(1337); // Prohibited, no address for "1337"
    test32(a.id); // fine and @safe

Definition of "scope" qualifier for ref types

Formal definition of scope ref semantics

@safe concerns

Backwards compatibility

Interconnecton with DIP25

Other proposed solutions


This document has been placed in the Public Domain.

Title: rvalue references
DIP: 36
Version: 1
Status: Work in progress
Created: 2013-04-08
Last Modified: 2013-04-08
Author: Randy Schütt, Михаил Страшун