Build Android Apps using LDC in a Container

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Work in progress

Using Docker it is easy to create Android Applications. Although this page shows you how to create Android Apps on a Windows system, it also works for Linux and Mac operation systems.

You need to have following software installed on your host operation system:

- Docker (Docker for Windows)

- Java Development Kit (JDK)

- Android SDK [1]

- Ant [2]

1. Clone Android Headers / Demos

Clone the repository into folder c:\D\projects.

2. Start docker

This command will pull the image andre2007/ldc-android from the docker hub and start a shell within the container. Also the path c:\D\projects will be mounted in as \projects.

docker run --rm -it -v c:/D/projects:/projects andre2007/ldc-android sh

3. Compile the demo

Within the container shell execute following commands:

cd /projects/android/samples/native-activity/

ldc2 -I../../ -c jni/main.d

ldc2 -I../../ -c ../../android/sensor.d

ldc2 -I../../ -c ../../android_native_app_glue.d

mkdir -p libs/armeabi-v7a/