Building under Windows
On Windows, you will need Git for Windows, D compiler, the DigitalMars C++ compiler, and, for 64-bit or 32-bit COFF builds, the Microsoft Windows SDK.
Assuming that make, dmc and dmd from digital mars are in your path and your sources are checked out into C:\D\dmd2\src which has the following structure:
git Configuration
When cloning from the GitHub repositories you may encounter problems if your git configuration on Windows replaces line endings with the Windows variant (i.e. \r\n) instead of leaving it as \n, which is what D repositories require.
To check your settings, run git config core.autocrlf. If it prints true, set it to false with git config config --global core.autocrlf false.
Building D
The following instructions work for win32. May or may not work with win64. This scheme is a suggestion. These instructions should work when building from a clean repository, however, this repository contains autogenerated code that may be left behind after switching branches so running a git clean after switching branches is a good idea:
git clean -xfd
Building DMD
To build DMD compiler you should run the following commands (win32.mak file expects that HOST_DC variable is set to dmd):
set DM_HOME=C:\D
cd %DM_HOME%\dmd2\src\dmd\src
set HOST_DC=dmd
make -fwin32.mak release
From there, it is suggested to move the built binaries into your %DM_HOME%\windows\bin directory, and add that to your path:
mkdir %DM_HOME%\dmd2\windows\bin
copy *.exe %DM_HOME%\dmd2\windows\bin
set path=%DM_HOME%\dmd2\windows\bin;%path%
From there, you have to create a sc.ini in your %DM_HOME%\dmd2\windows\bin directory (where dmd.exe is). It is suggested to just copy paste the one provided in the packaged 2.110.0, instead of writing your own, like:
copy "C:\Program Files\D\dmd2\windows\bin\sc.ini" %DM_HOME%\dmd2\windows\bin
Building D runtime
Make sure that you are using dmd compiled in previous step because older compiler might not compile the latest druntime code.
To build D runtime you should run the following commands:
cd %DM_HOME%\dmd2\src\druntime
make -fwin32.mak
Building Phobos
Make sure that you are using dmd compiled in previous step because older compiler might not compile the latest phobos code.
To build Phobos you should run the following commands:
cd %DM_HOME%\dmd2\src\phobos
make -fwin32.mak
You should copy phobos lib into your %DM_HOME%\windows\lib folder:
mkdir %DM_HOME%\dmd2\windows\lib
copy phobos.lib %DM_HOME%\dmd2\windows\lib
Building rdmd
Optionally, you can build rdmd from source if you have checked out tools in your sources. Some additional libs might be required for build and can simply be copy pasted from the 2.110.0 package without overwriting your phobos.lib.
To build rdmd you should run the following commands:
cd %DM_HOME%\dmd2\src\tools
make -fwin32.mak rdmd
You should copy rdmd into your %DM_HOME%\windows\bin folder:
mkdir %DM_HOME%\dmd2\windows\lib
copy generated\windows\32\*.exe %DM_HOME%\dmd2\windows\bin
Thirdparty libraries
The last step is getting the additional libs. curl for D2 can be found at the bottom of the download section of [download].
Additional libs that are necessary can simply be copy pasted from the 2.110.0 package (without overwriting your phobos.lib).
The very last step is to verify that everything works by unittesting phobos:
cd %DM_HOME%\dmd2\src\phobos
make -fwin32.mak unittest
Common Windows issues
Missing MASM386
If when building druntime you get errors about missing MASM386, it's due to a required assembling of a file called minit.asm. However the druntime repository includes a prebuilt minit.obj file so you shouldn't need to assemble it again. As a workaround for the make error create an empty masm386.bat file and put it in a directory that's in your PATH.
It's also recommended that you use the cmd.exe terminal. Others, like PowerShell, are known to experience issues with legacy tools.
Intermediate files lead to several errors
The three main components (dmd, druntime, phobos) should always be built together with matching versions. The intermediate files generated by a previous build can lead to a failure so it's advisable to run
make -fwin32.mak clean
on each component before starting the process.
Where to go from here
If you want to contribute to a D project, please continue with the starting as a contributor guide. If you want to contribute to Phobos, you may also read the contributing to Phobos guide.