Runtime internals

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List of compiler hooks

Runtime Hooks

D program startup sequence

This section provides a general overview of a typical D program's startup sequence. Each operating system and compiler implements this procedure slightly differently, but the fundamental procedure is the same.


The startup sequence is essentially an orchestration of the following symbols:

extern(C) void main(int argc, char **argv)

  • "D main". This is the `main` function provided by the user in nearly every D program. It is D-mangled making it distinguishable from C main above.
int main(char[][] args)

int _Dmain(char[][] args)

  • rt_init() is the function called before D main to initialize the D Runtime. The D runtime initialization procedure is quite complex and out of scope for this document.
extern(C) int rt_init()

  • rt_term() is the function called after D main to unwind the initialization of the D Runtime.
extern(C) int rt_term()

  • _d_run_main orchestrates the calling sequence of rt_init(), D main, and rt_term(). mainFunc is a pointer to D main.
int _d_run_main(int argc, char **argv, void* mainFunc)


The following pseudocode illustrates the calling sequence of the symbols above.

Every D program is started as if it were a C program. On Linux, the operating system calls _start which is defined the C Runtime. After performing C program initialization, the C Runtime calls C main just like a typical C program.

// 1.  _start calls C main
extern(C) void main(int argc, char **argv)
    // 2. C main calls _d_run_main passing program arguments and a pointer
    // to D main
    return _d_run_main(argc, argv, &_Dmain);    

alias extern(C) int function(char[][] args) MainFunc;
int _d_run_main(int argc, char **argv, MainFunc mainFunc)
    // 3. D some operating-system-specific logic to change argc and argv
    // to char[][] args
    char[][] args;
    // 4. Do D runtime initialization
    int result = EXIT_FAILURE;
        // 5. call D main
        result = mainFunc(args);
    // 6.  unwind runtime initialization
    if (!rt_term())
        result = (result == EXIT_SUCCESS) ? EXIT_FAILURE : result;
    // 7. Return to C main
    return result;