DIP38: Safe references and rvalue references without runtime checks. (STILL EDITING)
Title: | Safe references and rvalue references without runtime checks |
DIP: | 38 |
Version: | 1 |
Status: | Draft |
Created: | 2013-05-06 |
Last Modified: | 2013-05-06 |
Author: | Timothee Cour |
Links: |
Safe references and rvalue references without runtime checks. In short, the compiler internally annotates ref-return functions with ref(i1,...,iN) indicating that the function may return argument j (j=i1...iN) by reference (possibly via field accesses), where j is also a ref input argument. This list can be empty, and if the function is a method or internal function, argument 0 refers to implicit 'this' parameter. These annotations are used to validate/invalidate ref return functions that call such a ref return function. These annotations are also written in the automatically generated di interface files.
Dconf13 introduced safe references enabled by a runtime check (see email thread from Walter: 'Rvalue references - The resolution'). I propose a formulation that is safe, yet doesn't require any runtime check. The compiler automatically annotates any return by ref function with a dependency on input arguments:
struct U{T x;}
ref T foo(ref T a, ref T b, ref U c){
static T d;
return a;
else if(condition(b))
return c.x;
return d;
will be rewritten internally by the compiler as having the signature:
ref(0,2) T foo(ref T a, ref T b, ref T c);
indicating that ref depends on ref arguments 0(a) and 2 (c) (dependency on c is via field access). The other arguments are not in the list because they're not input ref arguments, or not returned.
Second example: when the function is a member (say of a struct), the 'this' parameter is implicitly argument number 0, but the same rules apply:
struct S { T t; ref T fooc(ref T a) { if(condition) return t; else return a;} }
will be rewritten internally by the compiler as having the signature:
struct S { T t; ref(0,1) T fooc(ref T a); }
because there's a ref dependency on 0(this) and 1(a).
Note, if there's no dependency on input ref arguments (for example, it returns by ref a global), then the ref list is empty, ie ref().
Given those compiler generated annotations, it is easy to validate/invalidate ref safety: the rule is: in any return statement of a ref-return function, the ref dependency list can only refer to: A) global variables (gc-alloced, static etc) B) ref inputs This excludes locals.
Examples: taken from Walter's above mentioned email:
//Case A:
ref T fooa(ref T t) { return t; }
//=> ref(0) T fooa(ref T t);
ref T bar() { T t; return fooa(t); } // error since 0 refers to t which is a local
//Case B:
ref T foob(ref U u) { return u.t; }
//=>ref(0) T foob(ref U u) { return u.t; }
ref U bar() { T t; return foob(t); } // error since 0 refers to t which is a local
//Case C:
struct S { T t; ref T fooc() { return t; } }
//=>struct S { T t; ref(0) T fooc(); } //0 refers to 'this'
ref T bar() { S s; return s.fooc(); } // error since 0 refers to this = s, which is local
//Case D:
Returning ref to uplevel local:
ref T food() {
T t;
ref T bar() { return t; }
//=>ref(0) T bar(); // 0 here indicates an implicit 'this' pointing to local stack allocated variables (wouldn't be the case if t were static variable)
return bar(); //error since 0 refers to local stack
//case E:
Transitively calling other functions:
ref T fooe(T t) { return ref fooa(t); } //error since we have the compiler rewrite 'ref(0) T fooa(ref T t);' and 0 refers to t, a local variable (t is not a ref variable in fooe).
Final point: the di files will have to write those annotations written down, which shall be done automatically.
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