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m (Move "Installing Vundle" up. It makes more sense to see this first.)
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Vim features and plugins useful for D coding.
Vim features and plugins useful for D coding.
=Installing Vundle=
Many Vim plugins require a plugin manager for installation.
[https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim Vundle] is one such plugin manager.
To install Vundle see the [https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim#quick-start Quick Start] section on Vundle's site.
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The [https://github.com/idanarye/vim-vebugger Vebugger] plugin acts as a frontend for command line debuggers, and can be used to debug D programs with GDB. You'll need to use :VBGstartGDBForD to debug D programs.
The [https://github.com/idanarye/vim-vebugger Vebugger] plugin acts as a frontend for command line debuggers, and can be used to debug D programs with GDB. You'll need to use :VBGstartGDBForD to debug D programs.
=Installing Vundle=
Many Vim plugins require a plugin manager for installation.
[https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim Vundle] is one such plugin manager.
To install Vundle see the [https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim#quick-start Quick Start] section on Vundle's site.

Revision as of 14:49, 6 September 2017

Vim features and plugins useful for D coding.

Installing Vundle

Many Vim plugins require a plugin manager for installation. Vundle is one such plugin manager.

To install Vundle see the Quick Start section on Vundle's site.


UltiSnips is a Vim snippet plugin with D support. It makes it possible to complete tasks such as writing a loop, wrapping code in try/catch or adding an operator in a few keystrokes.

Installing UltiSnips:

  • Make sure you have a plugin manager such as Vundle installed.
  • See the Quick Start section at UltiSnips site.


DSnips screenshot1.gif DSnips screenshot2.gif

DSnips is a (greatly) improved version of UltiSnips D snippets. It covers almost all D features and its snippets are designed to work together (e.g. can be used within one another or in chains). See DSnips reference

Installing DSnips:

  • You need to have UltiSnips installed first.
  • git clone https://github.com/kiith-sa/DSnips.git
  • Copy the d.snippets file to UltiSnips user snippets directory. On Linux this should be ~/.vim/UltiSnips.

    If you don't know where the user snippets directory is, open a D file and type the :UltiSnipsEdit command (after UltiSnips is installed); this will open a user d.snippets file which you can replace by the DSnips version of d.snippets.


The Dutyl plugin integrates D tools such as DCD, DUB and DScanner to provide autocompletion, syntax checking, documentation search and more features.


The Vebugger plugin acts as a frontend for command line debuggers, and can be used to debug D programs with GDB. You'll need to use :VBGstartGDBForD to debug D programs.


It also possible to display a tagbar of all all declared functions, classes etc. Please follow the instructions of tagbar's Wiki.


With the rise of Neovim, deoplete-d can be used for auto-completion.


WIth this autocmd D will parse error messages from the compiler and the unit test assertions;

autocmd FileType d set efm=%*[^@]@%f\(%l\):\ %m,%f\(%l\\,%c\):\ %m,%f\(%l\):\ %m

Unit Testing

The following function runs unittests on the current file and displays coverage information as a split window bound to left of the source window;

function! DTest()
  let l:fn = substitute(expand('%:r'), '/', '-', 'g') . '.lst'
  call delete(l:fn)
  cexpr system('dmd -cov -unittest -main -run ' . expand('%'))
  if filereadable(l:fn)
     normal gg
     execute '13vsplit' l:fn
     normal gg
     set scrollbind
     normal ^Wl
     set scrollbind

(note the ^W is a an actual CTRL-W, inserted with CTRL-V, CTRL-W)

autocmd FileType d nnoremap <f8> :call DTest()<cr>