Beta Testing

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Revision as of 12:07, 27 July 2014 by AndrewEdwards (talk | contribs) (DMD v2.066.0-b6)
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Click to see Time remaining for beta 5 review

As we prepare for the release of DMD v2.066, I would like to draw attention to the stated Agenda (Agenda#v2.066_.28July_2014.29) of this release. Please use it as a guide throughout the review process. Additionally, resolution of outstanding regressions remains significantly important and warrants full attention during the beta testing phase. In the event your particular change did not make it into this release, do not despair. The release process for 2.067 begins exactly four weeks following the release of 2.066 which provides ample time to address your issue.

Note: Linux installers cannot be produced due to issue #13210

OS Binaries

[ dmd_2.066.0~b6-0_i386.deb]
[ dmd_2.066.0~b6-0_amd64.deb]
[ libphobos2-66_2.066.0~b6-0_i386.deb]
[ libphobos2-66_2.066.0~b6-0_amd64.deb]
[ dmd-2.066.0~b6-0.fedora.i386.rpm]
[ dmd-2.066.0~b6-0.fedora.x86_64.rpm]
[ dmd-2.066.0~b6-0.openSUSE.i386.rpm]
[ dmd-2.066.0~b6-0.openSUSE.x86_64.rpm]


Changes since v2.066.0-b5

5d28485 - fix Issue 13158 - "void has no value" in std.variant.Algebraic (affects D:YAML)
a85f5d7 - fix Issue 13180 - [REG2.066a] AA get returns const(char[]) instead of string
e444be0 - fix Issue 12057 - [ICE], backend/cg87.c 925
f740f0d - fix Issue 13182 - [DDMD] extern(C++) classes cause crash when allocated on the stack with scope
b4335c9 - fix Issue 13194 - [2.066b] ICE when initializing static class members to void
a4c76af - fix Issue 13089 - Spurious 'is not nothrow' error on static array initialization
e47d845 - [cleanup] Remove two unreferenced array types
82b031c - [DDMD] Move sqrt into Port
08fc7a8 - change install target to match current release structure
5a573b7 - [DDMD] Rename dmd associative array functions to avoid conflict with similarly named druntime functions
4acdfcb - fix Issue 13084 - ModuleInfo.opApply delegate expects immutable parameter
228aa04 - fix Issue 13149 - [2.066] released libphobos2.a is build with PIC code
706e131 - fix Issue 13181 - install target broken
1e9c457 - std.math: Check if dmd-style inline asm is available
11c3da9 - Change various std.math.isXXX into templates
e6083a6 - Add enum RealFormat to std.math
929482e - Ddoc supported 'real' formats in std.math
561d850 - Fix possible copy and paste mistake

See also

DMD v2.066.0-b5

DMD v2.066.0-b4

Outstanding Regressions

Issue Repo Summary Pull Status
6329 Out of range exceptions not thrown in certain cases
11946 "need 'this' to access member" when passing field to template parameter
12242 dmd conflict error with public imports 3388 Pending decision
13062 "member x is not accessible" when passing field to template parameter
13178 Duplicate symbol of compiler generated symbols
13179 AA key type TagIndex now requires equality rather than comparison
13193 Extreme slowdown in compilation time of OpenSSL in Tango for optimized build
13209 Refused union initialization
13210 not being built

Outstanding Blockers

Issue Summary Pull Status
677 [Tracker] Get the documentation cleaned up for 1.0
2954 [tdpl] Allow to set associative array key value only using expression AA key type is constructable from
3284 snn linked programs never release memory back to the OS
4831 Optlink rejects paths with invalid characters based on HPFS filesystem instead of NTFS
5363 const + alias this = wrong code
5570 64 bit C ABI not followed for passing structs and complex numbers as function parameters
9249 Defining opCast disables downcasting and explicit upcasting
10492 Illegal Instruction for mixin template with scope declarations
10928 Fails to create closures that reference structs with dtor
11453 Compiling packages has a dependency on order of modules passed to the compiler.
11526 buffer overflow detected __fortify_fail when building dmd from source
11549 Throwing an exception while debugging causes incorrect execution
11595 __traits(allMembers, packageName) behaves oddly.
11734 undefined behavior with dirEntries 11734 WORKSFORME
12066 dmd on osx 10.[89] in 32 bit mode memory corruption
12116 dmd -op -od broken
12537 Templatizing opEquals results in infinite recursion in the compiler
12624 Internal error: backend\cgobj.c 2313 with Rebindable!(immutable TimeZone) in std.datetime
12696 GIT HEAD : undefined symbols when -O specified
12754 MAC link error for template to static value
12923 UTF exception in stride even though passes validate.