Beta Testing

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Revision as of 09:56, 18 July 2014 by AndrewEdwards (talk | contribs) (Outstanding Regressions)
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As we prepare for the release of DMD v2.066, I would like to draw attention to the stated Agenda (Agenda#v2.066_.28July_2014.29) of this release. Please use it as a guide throughout the review process. Additionally, resolution of outstanding regressions remains significantly important and warrants full attention during the beta testing phase. In the event your particular change did not make it into this release, do not despair. The release process for 2.067 begins exactly four weeks following the release of 2.066 which provides ample time to address your issue.

Outstanding Regressions

Issue Repo Summary Pull Status
6329 Out of range exceptions not thrown in certain cases
9449 druntime Static arrays of 128bit types segfault on initialization. Incorrect calling of memset128ii. 901 Requires Review
11946 "need 'this' to access member" when passing field to template parameter
12242 dmd conflict error with public imports 3388 Pending decision
12453 'ini' directory missing in ZIP release bundles
13030 dmd DMD assertion fails at mtype.c:697 if delegate has an argument name 3777 Cherry-Picked
13062 dmd "member x is not accessible" when passing field to template parameter
13077 phobos [dmd 2.066-b2] std.range.array with shared InputRangeObject 2338 Cherry-Picked
13084 druntime
ModuleInfo.opApply delegate expects immutable parameter 886 3754 Requires Review
13098 phobos std.path functions no longer works with DirEntry 2333 Cherry-Picked
13113 dmd cannot build druntime's gc.d with -debug=INVARIANT, bad @nogc inference? 3775 Requires Review
13117 dmd Executable size of hello world explodes from 472K to 2.7M 3778 Cherry-Picked
13127 dmd Cannot deduce function with int[][] argument and "in" parameter 3763 Cherry-Picked
13141 dmd array cast from string[] to immutable(char[][]) is not supported at compile time 3780 Cherry-Picked
13142 dmd Enums on different classes confuse the compiler 3779 Cherry-Picked
13148 druntime ModuleInfo fields are unnecessary changed to const 898 Merged
13152 Compiler high cpu usage and never ends
13154 Incorrect init of static float array when sliced

Outstanding Blockers

Issue Summary Pull Status
677 [Tracker] Get the documentation cleaned up for 1.0
2954 [tdpl] Allow to set associative array key value only using expression AA key type is constructable from
3284 snn linked programs never release memory back to the OS
4831 Optlink rejects paths with invalid characters based on HPFS filesystem instead of NTFS
5363 const + alias this = wrong code
5570 64 bit C ABI not followed for passing structs and complex numbers as function parameters
9249 Defining opCast disables downcasting and explicit upcasting
10492 Illegal Instruction for mixin template with scope declarations
10928 Fails to create closures that reference structs with dtor
11453 Compiling packages has a dependency on order of modules passed to the compiler.
11526 buffer overflow detected __fortify_fail when building dmd from source
11549 Throwing an exception while debugging causes incorrect execution
11595 __traits(allMembers, packageName) behaves oddly.
11734 undefined behavior with dirEntries
12066 dmd on osx 10.[89] in 32 bit mode memory corruption
12116 dmd -op -od broken
12537 Templatizing opEquals results in infinite recursion in the compiler
12624 Internal error: backend\cgobj.c 2313 with Rebindable!(immutable TimeZone) in std.datetime
12696 GIT HEAD : undefined symbols when -O specified
12754 MAC link error for template to static value
12755 thread.di is outdated
12923 UTF exception in stride even though passes validate.

v2.066.0-b4 Binaries

OS Binaries



Changes since v2.066.0-b1

0e90572 - fix Issue 13102 - Cannot parse 184467440737095516153.6L
1efe1ad - fix Issue 13114 - old opCmp requirement for AA keys should be detected for classes
ef56c27 - fix Issue 13132 - ICE on interface AA key
d182caf - fix Issue 12989 - Wrong x86_64 code for delegate return when compiled as lib
fe0a0dd - fix Issue 12859 - Read-modify-write operation for shared variable in Phobos
1cccc74 - fix Issue 12485 - [REG2.065] DMD crashes when recursive template expansion
994f4a4 - fix Issue 13027 - Assertion 'ex->op == TOKblit || ex->op == TOKconstruct' failed.
0eaf764 - fix Issue 13026 - object.get cannot be called with [] as "defaultValue" argument
bcf55ca - fix Issue 12896 - complains about bad relocations when building
5248be0 - fix Issue 12255 - opCmp requirement for AAs breaks code
01e467d - fix Issue 13053 - Wrong warning on implicitly generated __xtoHash
10f3bf1 - fix Issue 13021 - Constructing union with floating type and then accessing its field in one expression causes ICE
86b9076 - fix Issue 13071 - [ICE] dmd 2.066.0-b1 assertion in nogc.c:73
e85556a - fix Issue 13081 - ICE with alias this and opSlice
49f0db5 - Fix warning in cast.c
49f0db5 - fix Issue 13088 - Compiler segfaults with trivial case code
49f0db5 - fix Issue 13087 - Error: no property 'xyz' for type 'Vec!4'
e0ca2d2 - fix Issue 13024 - [ICE](expression.c line 1172) with implicit supertype conversion of different enums in array literal
c679110 - fix Issue 13111 - GC.realloc returns invalid memory for large reallocation
7474e95 - fix Issue 13025 - Tools repository does not build on Ubuntu
7d2a2ef - fix Issue 12958 - core.checkedint.mulu is broken.
9bd5777 - fix Issue 13034 - [Reg] core.stdc.stdio - deprecation warning with dmd -inline
a13628a - fix Issue 13078 - [dmd 2.066-b2] AA rehash failed with shared
ced5598 - fix Issue 12455 - [reg]Bad lowercase mapping for 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE'
f70443e - fix Issue 13076 - [dmd 2.066-b2] DList clearing of empty list
592eb10 - fix Issue 13056 - [2.066.0-b1] Regression: Error: template std.path.baseName cannot deduce function from argument types !()(DirEntry)
198f80d - fix Issue 13047 - cannot stat './icons/16/dmd-source.png'